Planned Giving

Founders' Society

A vision for the future. A vision for the Virginia Museum of Natural History.

Let us recognize your legacy of discovery by naming a museum feature after you or your family.  You can achieve your personal financial goals and leave a legacy of support for the Virginia Museum of Natural History by using various legal and tax strategies to plan a gift to VMNH.

Planned gifts to the Virginia Museum of Natural History can take the form of:

  • A bequest through a will or trust
  • A gift of property subject to a life estate
  • Naming the Virginia Museum of Natural History as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan

Planned gifts to VMNH can support:

  • Student scholarships
  • Teacher scholarships
  • Endowed positions
  • Building projects
  • Exhibit development
  • And much more...

Why are planned gifts important to VMNH?

  • Planned gifts provide long-term support for a variety of museum programs while helping to ensure that we sustain our national reputation for leadership and achievement in science and science education.

We'd like to hear from you

  • If you have named VMNH in your estate plans, please let us know by emailing or calling 276-403-8513.
  • If you are considering the best way to give to the Virginia Museum of Natural History, we will be happy to work with you and your advisors to fashion a gift to meet your needs.
    The purpose of this web page is to provide information of a general nature only. The Virginia Museum of Natural History is not engaged in providing legal or tax advice. Advice from legal and tax counsel should be sought when considering a charitable gift of any type. We can help your selection of an investment company that will fit your needs.

Investing in the Museum's Future: John Ross

John RossWriter of fishing and hunting guide books and long-time leader of Trout Unlimited in Virginia, John Ross has never thought of himself as a conservationist. Instead, he focuses on education because, he believes, that’s the best way to ensure that the Commonwealth’s abundant natural treasures will be here for future generations to enjoy.

By bequeathing his interest in a local real estate LLC to the Virginia Museum of Natural History Foundation, John is investing in the museum’s vision to help people in the Commonwealth and beyond appreciate our marvelous natural diversity.

“If we don’t understand our environment, we will not value it,” he says. “If we do not value it, we will not protect it. The museum is a wonderful state-wide resource, and I am happy to do what I can to help.”

map of Virginia and surrounding areas

Please Visit Us Soon


Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday - Monday: Closed


$10 for ages 18-59
$5 for ages 3-17, seniors 60+, and college students
FREE for children under 3, museum members, and members of ASTC participating institutions

Had a ton of fun here. I was very impressed by the different exhibits and the dinosaur lab where they work on the f...

Brian B.

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