VMNH Scientific Publications

The Insects of Virginia Number 16

The Insects of Virginia Number 16

The Virginia Museum of Natural History produces six scientific publication series, with each issue published as suitable material becomes available and each numbered consecutively within its series. Topics consist of original research conducted by museum staff or affiliated investigators based on the museum’s collections or on subjects relevant to the museum’s areas of interest. All are distributed to other museums and libraries through our exchange program and are available for purchase by individual consumers.

**Please note that online ordering is currently unavailable. To inquire about purchasing scientific publications, please email Ben Williams, VMNH Science Administrator.


Memoirs are individual monographs on a single subject, such as a regional survey or comprehensive treatment of an entire group. To view a list of published Memoirs, please click here.


Jeffersoniana is an outlet for relatively short studies treating a single subject, allowing for expeditious publication. To read Jeffersoniana online (available as free PDF documents), please click here.

Special Publications

Special Publications consist of unique contributions, usually book length, either single-subject or the proceedings of a symposium or multi-disciplinary project in which the papers reflect a common theme. To view a list of Special Publications, please click here.


Guidebooks are publications, often semi-popular, designed to assist readers on a particular subject in a particular region. They may be produced to accompany members of an excursion or may serve as a field guide for a specific geographic area. To view a list of Guidebooks, please click here.


Myriapodologica contains papers on the taxonomy and evolution of the four classes of "myriapod" arthropods. A volume consisted of 10 to 15 separate papers, numbered and paged consecutively.  To read Myriapodologica online (available as free PDF documents), please click here.

The Insects of Virginia

The Insects of Virginia describes the state insect fauna in standardized treatments of individual taxa, usually a family or group of small families. The emphasis is on identification and geographic and seasonal distribution, but information on systematics and biology is included wherever possible and relevant.  To read The Insects of Virginia online (available as free PDF documents), please click here.

map of Virginia and surrounding areas

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