Located near Danville, Virginia, the Solite Quarry preserves shales from the Norian age of the Triassic Period, some 225 million years old. The museum collections contain thousands of samples from the Solite Quarry, representing a comprehensive picture of the flora and fauna from the Dan River Basin. Fossils from the Solite Quarry include a diversity of plant species, conchostracans, arachnids, insects, fishes, and reptiles. The Solite arthropod fauna is one of the most diverse ever discovered from the Triassic Period.
Partial skeleton of a semionotiform fish, showing the enamel-covered scales covering the flanks
Nearly complete skeleton of the tiny archosauromorph reptile Tanytrachelos ahynis
The Triassic spider Argyrarachne solitus
Unidentified fly specimen