July 17, 2020
Ever wonder how many legs centipedes and millipedes really have? The answer might not be what you expect! Check-out this video submitted by curious youngster, Paul, and answered by Dr. Jackson Means, VMNH research technician and resident millipede expert!
The museum is offering an exciting new opportunity for you to ask your most burning natural history questions and have them answered by an expert! All you have to do is record a video of you or your child - or really anyone - asking a natural history question and submit it to us via Facebook Messenger. The question could be about dinosaurs, mammals, insects, archaeology, geology - or anything related to natural history - and we'll have an expert respond!
*Please note that due to the volume of submissions, we may not be able to post a video answer for every question we receive, but we will still provide you with a text answer to your question from an expert!