July 6, 2016
Archaeology Volunteers Wanted!
Do you live in the Martinsville area? Have you always wanted to volunteer with one of the museum's science projects? The archaeology program is in the midst of organizing 8000 (!) bags of artifacts and we need some volunteer help.
Potential volunteers must be adult (upper level high school students will be considered), detail-oriented, organized, and comfortable using a computer spreadsheet. This is a sorting and organizing project and attention to detail is critical. Volunteers will cut printed numbers out of paper, read information from a spreadsheet to call it out to our archaeologist, and help tape numbers on plastic bags. Work will be mostly seated at the computer station with some passing of paper but no heavy lifting. Work will be done Monday through Friday only.
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Moore, curator of archaeology, at elizabeth.moore@vmnh.virginia.gov. She will contact you about our volunteer application process and provide more details about the work.
Thanks for your interest in volunteering with VMNH!!